Re: On liquid latex
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Posted by Zimra on July 21, 1999 at 22:47:23:
In Reply to: Re: On liquid latex posted by Andrea D. on July 13, 1999 at 17:21:50:
: Catherine, does this mean that you're not using TP and plastic over : the latex, but leaving it uncovered? (Just wondering...I guess the : latex makes a pretty impermeable barrier, actually.) That's what she was doing at Brushwood, just new skin and latex *as* the wrap except with latex allergies or hairy body parts. I found that tp and cling wrap *over* the latex gave a better color than just the latex. Of course, if you wrap over the latex you can't be tempted to pick it off, since it is so wonderfully stretchy and fun to pick and pull at... Actually, after playing with latex for a week, I'm going to go back to new skin and plastic wrap, except for difficult body parts. I've gotten better colors with that than with the latex. And latex shrinks and pulls back when it dries, sometimes *with* the henna, which drove me berserk (and resulted in prematurely-removed latex/henna.) :-( Though when doing customers, I may still consider latex (especially for upper arms and legs. maybe bellies too). It does give a sense of security to the area. Zimra