Re: missing the connection
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Posted by Rupal on July 23, 1999 at 16:11:22:
In Reply to: missing the connection posted by W. Raven on July 22, 1999 at 14:42:58:
When I started doing mehndi, I was simply terrible. I couldn't design anything for the life of me, and no matter how much I tried to create my own designs, I just could not do it. Not that I am that much better now because every new and then I get in a rut, but what I have done to improve my mehndi skills in this way includes practicing copying the designs of others, practicing individual motifs and elaborating on them, and practicing various patterns that can be used to fill those motifs (such as mango/keri shapes (paisleys), leaves, mandalas, diamonds, hearts, filled with checkerboards, straight lines, swirls with embellishments. maybe I should elaborate this on my web site), and then started putting them together. Granted, it took me a long time to get a handle on mehndi design and what looks nice with what, but you will get it in time. I've been doing mehndi for 5 years now (although I have not improved as much as you should in five years, but since mehndi is a hobby I'm not extremely concerned with my rate of improvement) and people continue to tell me how much I improve each time I do mehndi on them. One day, you will realize that you have reached a level at which making up designs freehand is not only natural, but necessary in your art. ~Rupal ----------- : Greetings everyone. : Thank you answering my question about where at start with the hand. : It was every helpful. :-) Now I have another question which I hope : you can also help with. : Early this morning I was lying in bed thinking about all the Henna : design I've seen in books and on the net, and thinking about the ones : that I have done. I feel that I'm missing some connection in creating : my own designs. I do not feel the flow of the over all designs, (yet) : when I make my own. I feel I'm missing the mark with, what pattern : goes with what pattern, if you get the sence of where I am going : here. I see the flow of the designs in the books and say, "I can do : that". I know I can but I have not yet connected with the over all : essence of this beautiful, mysterious and alluring art. : Thanks again. : Many Bright Blessings : W. Raven