Re: First Festival
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Posted by Hanna on July 23, 1999 at 18:32:03:
In Reply to: First Festival posted by Carrie on July 23, 1999 at 06:02:08:
: If any of you have been in this situation before, any advice would be : so greatly appreciated. At least to let me know it's not just me. : Thanks! :-> : Carrie Hi Carrie, I've done many large festivals and the thing I find most vaulable is caring instructions to hand out. I print 10 on a page, make massive copies and cut them up to business card size. When they pay I hand them caring instruction card. It is so much easier than telling every person what they need to do. I also post a faq sheet on the front of the tent. I have two large flash boards so people don't have to wait to look at the books. All the designs are clearly priced. I keep the designs simple. Nothing takes me more than 5 minutes. At the really big festivals it so helpful if you have someone there to specifically to take money, hand out instructions, answer questions, monitor the line and apply the sugar and lemon. I have the lemon & sugar in a fine mist spray bottle.I have a knee pad for getting down for those ankles. I always have loads of extra tips for the squeeze bottles in the likley event of a clog, so all I have to do is change the tip rather than try to dislodge the clog. And I always make twice as much henna as I think I need. Be prepared for lots of smudges. In a large crowd it's going to happen more than once. And even if you do all this people will still ask you a million question. So bring lots of patients. Well that my advice, I hope it helps. Good luck and have fun.