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Posted by W. Raven on July 24, 1999 at 23:41:40:
Greetings All. I have lately been getting a lot of request for black Henna. Infact this morning a client of mine bought some off the web for my to put on him. Now I have some that came with some supplies I bought, but had yet mix it up, not really wanting to from all that I read about it. Well I just did mix it up giving in to the whims of those that want to give me money to put it on them. WOW.....Dig this. Now the package read just add water. So I added the water to start to make a paste like mixture. I use a yogurt cup to mix it in. I added the contents to the cup. Fine black dust came up out of the cup and in the air and then in my nose. My nose is still burning. I added the water and started to stir. The cup began to get warm. I stirred more and the cup got warmer. I added just a pinch more water and stirred again. Now the cup was getting hot. I put it down and was just holding on to the top of the cup so I could keep stirring. Suddenly, this very hot mixture goes off like molten lava. I kid you not. It starts to grow and rise out of the cup puffing off gasses. I was really wondering if it was not going to explode. (Ya baby.. pore just a little on me.) In a moment it was over. I look cautiously into the cup. The repution had stopped. I stood there looking at it in a somewhat dumbfounded state of mind and gave it another stir. Why..... I have no idea why. Guess it was the thing to do that the time. Then to top that off, I add just a little more water because it was to thick. It must of been the gasses I was exposed too. My mind cleared and I filed the noxious substance to the trash. I just feel really sorry for the yogurt cup. After holding such a wonder yummy flavor of yogurt I subject it to the molten mass of goo. Not on my skin. Not in this life time. Blessings to All W. Raven