Sirius Gratitude, and the Silence of the Clams
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Posted by Catherine Cartwright JOnes on July 30, 1999 at 18:09:28:
I'd like to thank all of you who came to Sirius Rising, (the first "international henna conference") and made it such a wonderful, wonderful week! That was true henna splendor, companionable and grand fun! From the moment a small bespectacled Englshman got out of the rental car, and with his hands folded, said "you must be Catherine" and I said "and you must be Jeremy Rowntree", it was nothing but joy. It was beyond wonderful to meet all of you. Last Sunday I went back up the the banquet hall campsite and assumed "The Shannon Position" in the hammock and watched dozens of small butterflies gently descend on the clamshells (clams that Boyan did wonderful garlicky buttery things to) left from our last dinner together...the butterflies lit upon and licked the salt from the clamshells. The woods were so quiet with all the campers gone, and just wind blowing through the trees....all that was left was exquisite delight, butterflies, and "The Silence of the Clams" Thank you! Looking forward already to next year!