Niece in heaven...
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Posted by 2000 on July 30, 1999 at 18:16:07:
Hi all! I have a niece who I only get to see one month out of a year and recently she was up visiting. I couldn't think of what to get her for her birthday (she's 10). So I took a shoe box and did a collage of Egyptian symbols (she's into that) and animals. I went through all my henna supplies and picked out a bunch of stuff for her; applicator, patterns, stencils, glue, instructions, Q-tips, toothpicks, etc, and of course, henna. I put it all in the box for her own little henna kit. Wow, was she excited. She can't wait to get home to henna all her friends. Just thought I'd share what a great gift henna is! :O)