A very specific example of heat affecting henna color
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Posted by Catherine Cartwright Jones on August 01, 1999 at 00:07:00:
One of the people I hennaed at Sirius Rising and Starwood had two very similar hennaes done, one on each upper arm, done the same evening, with the same henna and the same wrap. The wrap was New Skin spray plus liquid latex, a very convenient wrap in heat that would make heavier wraps unbearable. She then went to dance around the bonfire for an hour or so. She always danced clockwise around the bonfire, so that her right upper arm was always to the fire. Her left arm was always away from the fire. The next day the henna that had always been closer to the fore was chocolate brown, whereas the other was toffee brown. Another night, she had me henna both forearms....and held both equally to the fire until they were almost uncomfortably hot for about 15 minutes. These hennaes again went chocolate brown. During Sirius and Starwood, I regularly advised people who had me henna them to go the bonfires and dance hard, get hot and make sure their hennaes were "well cooked". These were some of the darkest natural henna colors I've ever gotten. Also, with the added attention to heat, I was able to get by with lighter wraps.