Re: Mehndi in L.A.
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Posted by 13BC on January 13, 1998 at 23:02:16:
In Reply to: Mehndi in L.A. posted by Christiane Weyres on January 12, 1998 at 13:32:44:
: I'm visiting L.A. in the last weak of January and I'd : like to find a Mehndi-Shop in order to get my body : painted. Who is able to help me with a good address, : not too expansive but good quality. : Please mail me back. : Chris You've probably already gotten this, but there is a shop in Los Angeles (on Melrose - 76611/2 Melrose 213-782-9069) called Thirteen BC that does Henna work. I think they only have black and brown Henna available.