Re: Good news about the new crop.
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Posted by Catherine Cartwright Jones on August 17, 1999 at 03:00:52:
In Reply to: Re: Good news about the new crop. posted by Amy C on August 17, 1999 at 01:34:42:
I didn't sift mine at all...and had no trouble.....the only bits that were in my paste were from the lemon juice. Granted, henna is something grown on a plant, so there is a fair amount of variation. I used to grow veg and herbs for money, and I sympathize with the inevitable unreliablilty (and occasional incredible successes ) of nature. Since I use "carrot bags" (triangular jelly bean bags) if there is a clog, I just pinch it out. If anyone wants to try a carrot bag email me and I'll send you a free sample. I sell them at $5 a dozen. They're reuseable for about 20 hours of hennaeing. I can get up to 22 lines per inch with carrot bags and Castle Arts henna. Some people love them, some people don't. Using these things is a lot like using a Sumi brush....very sensitive...and practice really helps! Side by side, I got finer lines than Body Art's squeeze bottles, and I love aesthetic opportunity to get line variation, which just doesn't happen with the metal tips. They work for me, they don't work for everyone. If you want to try them, email me. I'll send you 2 free.