Re: henna stencils , also the Moroccan lady in the photo on HP
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Posted by Merta Luděk on August 18, 1999 at 14:52:05:
In Reply to: Re: henna stencils , also the Moroccan lady in the photo on HP posted by Donna on June 15, 1997 at 19:46:13:
: : Just browsing once again this interesting site. I just : : returned from Morocco a week ago, and I brought henna : : stencils for sale. They are black, so they also look : : neat stuck on other things, like your refrigerator door. : : The larger one retails for $7.00 plus $1.00 shipping, the smaller : : ones are $4.00 + $1.00. Incidentally, the lady in the home page : : photo has of course had her hands stenciled. She is : : from the extreme south of Morocco, looks like a Tata or : : Zagora woman to me. Also henna stencils are generally : : used only by those who cannot afford a henna artist, or : : live somewhere where there is none. The henna artists : : are very sought after, the best being in Marrakesh, but : : these days, it's hard to find a good one. A note to the : : lady who is using Saran wrap to keep the henna on long : : enough for it to "cure,"--no,no! After the henna design : : is applied, (say, completion is at 7:00 p.m in the eve.,) : : it is "patted" with a cotton ball, full of this mixture: : : lemon juice, crushed garlic, sugar, black pepper, to a : : certain taste (don/t know how to descibe that here). This : : is done constantly until you retire for the evening. Then : : you hands (feet) are wrapped with cotton (not fake cotton : : balls--i.e., synthetic), and the cotton held in place with : : a knee high nylon stocking. Remove all the next morning, : : chip off the henna, wash off the rest, and viola! Some of : : the younger artists recommend spraying deoderant on the : : curing design, but I don't think it works as well. Also, : : after the henna comes off, a light rubbing with salad oil : : will enhance the color. Pardon my "internetese,"--I'm : : new to this stuff, but I do have a lot of information to : : share.