Re: Question about chemical ingredients
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Posted by Catherine Cartwright Jones on September 01, 1999 at 14:26:46:
In Reply to: Question about chemical ingredients posted by mat on September 01, 1999 at 11:39:31:
Chinese black hair dye, (with the chief chemical being PPD) is frequently used to make black henna. While some people have no ill effects from that, many people have TERRIBLE blisters, oozing and permanent scarring from it. Very concentrated black food dye is used with henna to make black....which is ok for skin but can permanently stain everything else around. (Messy, messy) Powders and pre-mixed sorts of both of these are available on the internet. Caveat emptor. If you MUST have something that looks exactly like black tattoos ... the resin-based body paints, like Temptu, are probably the safest thing you can use, and they look good. They're not henna, though . The best way to get your henna as dark as black is to use absolutely fresh henna, (very difficult to find outside of the countries where it is grown) and wrap it overnight so heat and perspiration to maximize the henna uptake. If your henna isn't that fresh, email me for an outline of the North African method of getting your henna to go black. I have instructions and pix. THat's mostly harmless.