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Posted by Anoise on September 07, 1999 at 16:47:53:
I just reied your stuff this past week end. WOW! You were right about it being coarse. I sifted it 4 times through two pairs of pantyhose. I lost at least of third of the henna from sifting. When I mixed it, I found it still pretty coarse - more like gritty. no matter what I did I couldn't smooth it out. I tried useing my normal jaquard bottle, but it kept clooging. :^( So I got another bottle with a bigger opening and did a large design on my feet. (I used the smaller bottle on ly kids and they both got an unusual farie on their tummies after only five minutes with the paste on) When I removed the paste on me the next morning, My feet were darker than fully developed henna I've done before. Today they are almost black! I still need to take photos today, but I will send you some. Your stuff is WONDERFUL!!! Thanks again.