Re: yo.....
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Posted by James on September 08, 1999 at 21:10:19:
In Reply to: yo..... posted by Catherine Cartwright JOnes on September 08, 1999 at 12:22:19:
I've already recived your black henna trick, but I dont want to put my hands in ammonia, I'm afraid it will damage the skin. Is Alta or Lac safe? What colors do they give? And is it mixed in the henna or just used alone? : I've not used that sort of henna, except to test it. Most internet : henna suppliers carry that sort of stuff now. I don't think they say : that its food coloring, they just call it colored henna. Look : around. I haven't had any results that I thought were up to par with : it. If I HAD to do color on someone, I'd use Alta, or Lac to do the : job...it's not henna, but it is, at least, traditional. : : I can make regular henna paste, made fresh from good quality henna : powder go brown or black though.....email me for the technique.
- Re: yo..... Catherine Cartwright Jones 01:43:22 9/09/99