Black Henna Burn?
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Posted by KTroy on September 12, 1999 at 21:55:27:
I wish I would have reviewed your web-page first! I got 3 henna tattoos on Friday night (Sept 10-and yes, they are black) and today (Sunday)I am in pain. I left them on for a long time - overnight - and did not wash it off until the next afternoon. They all have raised up as welts and are red and hot - itching like CRAZY! The one around my ankle is now starting to form small blisters and some have burst. I have been using an anti-itch cream to help, but it doesn't help much. I plan on making an appointment with a dermatologist tomorrow, but expect on not being able to see one for a few days (the whole HMO thing). What can I do to alleviate the pain or in any way help this problem? I am very scared after reading all the postings in this forum - there is a possibility of scarring? Is there a difference between an allergic reaction and burning? Because it seems as though my allergies are going crazy since this happened - coincidence? It's a shame - I love the designs! Let's just hope I don't keep them permanently as scars! PS - my "artist" is a friend of my moms - I am worried about confronting her about this...