Re: Mehndi Stencils/Designs
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Posted by Heidi Busse-Hansen, Pangloss' Parlour on February 05, 1998 at 18:08:00:
In Reply to: Re: Mehndi Stencils/Designs posted by ALLAH'S BELOVED on February 02, 1998 at 15:55:17:
: : My Husband and myself have a mehndi shop here in Mankato Minnesota, Pangloss' Parlour. I would like to know if anyone is produceing stencils outside of India? Either way we are in the process of doing so, useing a wide varity sourses from japanese to celtic knotwork as well as original designs. We will also be produceing semeterical out line stenciles that that can be filled in with freehand work. We tried a prototype at a show last week and it worked well. I still want to expariment with a few different materials and we will be up and running. I also hope to be able to produce stencils for others who want their desings made into stencils.We should have our own wed sight up and running within a couple months, from which we will be selling henna, kits, stencils, and our desing book/stencil catalogue, as well as the wares of various artists and artesians from the Southern Minnesota River Valley(what can I say, we have long winters!). Once we are up and runnig I"ll post our URL and link and I don't have our e-mail handy I'll try to post it soon. For now we can be reachedfor questions or mehndi work at Pangloss' Parlour, 104 South 4th Street, Mankato MN, 56001, USA or 507-345-1076. We would also like to do more shows thorghout the upper Midwest.We are open to sugestions or invitations. Mehndi really is the "best of all posible worlds". : PLEASE SEND ME SOME INFORMATION ON THE STENCILS : AND DESIGNS : PO BOX 426 AVONDALE EST. GA 30002 : THANK YOU I just wanted to post our e-mail adress, so here it is: pangloss@mnic.net