Gloppy Face Mask
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Posted by Kara on September 16, 1999 at 00:51:07:
Hello everyone! I experimented today with the face mask we talked about a few days ago. On my left hand I set up 6 experimental simple flowers. I ranged from just henna to henna, sugar/lemon juice to the works. I then wrapped the fingers and left to bake for 2 hours. Initial results are interesting. The sharpest lines came through with just henna, period. The darkest color I will reserve judgement for tomorrow, but the orangiest colored test was the finger with the new skin tied with the finger that has the mask stuff. The face mask gel is difficult to work with; its really really heavy and tends to take forever to dry compaired with New Skin. However, its really easy to remove! Lastly upon inspiration I looked at the contents of the mask gel. Low and behold.....the first listed content was water! So, in a seperate container I mixed some gel with water to thin it out and make it easier to apply. (Initially I used a small tipped henna bottle to apply the gel) I mixed about 50/50 mix and hennaed a little flower boquet on the ball of my left hand. I then waited for the henna to dry, and when it was mostly dry, I applied the new water/gel mix with a cotton ball just as you would if you were applying the lemon/sugar mix. WOW I THINK I FOUND THE PERFECT SOLUTION TO COVER YOUR DESIGNS WITH!! I will experiment more in the next few days, but things look great!!! Wishing everyone lots of happy hennaing!! (P.S. Catherine, next time you send anyone patterns, add my name to the list! Your stuff is inspirational!) Kara