Balsamic vinegar
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Posted by W. Raven on September 16, 1999 at 15:33:36:
Greetings everyone. I've been on a 5 week road trip. Have Henna will travel. I hennaed my way up the Northwest and back to AZ. and had a great time. Which brings me to this. At one point I ran out of my ready made henna mixing solution so I bought some balsamic vinegar. Why this type you might ask? I love to cook and since it is the best to make many things with, why not mix henna with it? Someone wrote and said that they use vinegar with cloves added after I posted a massega asking about the differences in acids. Lime vs vinegar. Well I must say that it worked very well. I left it on for about 6 hours before I removered the paste before bed. It was still very much moist. I found that it was lighter looking then my regular mix of lime and stuff for the same amount of time being on. I was somewhat dismayed. But in the morning I found a very dark stain. And it continued to darken over the the next two days. The top of my hand seemed to darken over the next four or so days. I was vary pleased by this. And I found out that I did not need lime/lemon sugar mix to keep it on. It seemed to stay on very nicely and stay moist and not crack except where the fingers and palm bend. I find this vary curious. Now after a few days I found that the stain on the top of my seemed to have just sat on top of the skin, not staining very deep and seemed to flake off in spots and the plam the stain seemed to not take well to regular washings as my other mix does. I'll have to try again and leave it on over night and check the lasting results. I have not tried other vinegars but going too, to see how the results differ. Does anyone have any thoughs but the results I got with the balsamic vinegar? Or results using other vingar mixes. Many Blessings W.Raven