Black Henna / Black attitude ...
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Posted by Navaid on September 17, 1999 at 21:35:45:
In Reply to: They at least have the decency to give an ingredient list and it would not touch my skin posted by Shanon Lavender on September 17, 1999 at 15:10:32:
I really am surprised by you people/artists behavior on this forum. As just few months ago, all of you were deadly against for any sort of comments on coloured henna on this forum and because of yours constant protest and requests to stop this coloured henna messages on this forum. Mr. Jeremy formed special coloured henna forum which is practically just "idle", And now I am watching that you people frequently commenting on coloured websites and this black henna is of real interest to you. So here I am to take the opportunity TO REFRESH memory of frequent visitors on this forum, that I am the pioneer of these coloured henna paste and I assure you that my Coloured Henna Pastes: Black, Blue, Brown, Cherry Red, Orange, Pink, Purple, Turquoise, Violet and Yellow, all these pastes are completely safe to apply on skin, and now supplying much improved consistency of pastes, giving dark and beautiful colours on any type of skin. Besides these tattooing pastes, I also manufacture and exports 100% Herbal Henna Hair Dyes in assorted colours: Ash Grey, Auburn, Black, Blonde, Brown, Chestnut, Dark Brown, Golden, Mahogany and Silver. I feel necessary to inform you people that these coloured INKs, Paints and coloured powder for tattooing are very harmful for skin, because in there you will find silver nitrate, ppd and other harmful acids which are main cause of these tragic incidents happening now more frequently, just because henna salons/importers/artists prefers less expensive products and avoids deliberately to look for the safety of products. I wonder why you people don't know that these things are not dying skin in natural ways,, but these gives just coating on skin which blocks pores of skin to breath. However, I feels its my duty to inform others, whatever I feels good or bad. Ofcourse its upto you to decide at your own level, whether to accept or reject. Sincerely to all henna users, Navaid Ashraf website: http://www.navaidhenna.cjb.net