Don't Panic (in large friendly letters)
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Posted by Catherine Cartwright JOnes on September 18, 1999 at 04:56:23:
In Reply to: Re: wholesale henna posted by Kenzi on September 18, 1999 at 02:28:22:
Trade with Iran is loosening up. No need to phone the government. We are no longer the great Satan, we are merely a middling Satan, and less disagreeable to them than their closer neighbor, Iraq. Their old trading partner, the USSR, is looking a bit peekid lately, and Afghanistan makes them distinctly nervous. Their government has, therefore decided that we may be the lesser of several weevils (and we are the weevil with hard currency). ...and the package to me from Teheran went through nicely. Granted their email doesn't seem to be happening, but parts, repairs and help desk things in countries like Iran doen't move at lightning speed. I've got their packing slip, if someone wants to translate it and correspond with them.