making transfers with face mask stuff
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Posted by anita on September 18, 1999 at 16:32:53:
I've been experimenting with making transfers with the Freeman face mask stuff. I did some henna designs on a glass plate and let them dry. Then, I covered with a liberal coating of the face mask stuff. I put it in the sun to dry. After it was completely dry, I peeled off the design and the henna paste peeled right off with it! To apply, I wet my skin with lemon juice and carefully pressed on the transfer, henna-side down. Then, coated the whole thing with a little lemon juice to rehydrate and applied a fresh coat of face mask. Allow to dry and remain on the skin like a fresh henna design. It worked. The flexibility of the face mask stuff let's it curve to the skin better than paper transfers with no cracking. The face mask stuff keeps the henna in one piece. The only thing is you have to be really careful with the henna-transfer, it will fold up and stick to itself. Also, don't use too much lemon juice. I've only tried this with small designs, I don't know how well it would work with large ones. You would probably have to do them in sections. Maybe you could put the design on the plate and when dry, slice it up in sections and then remove.