better henna is the key
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Posted by Catherine Cartwright Jones on September 20, 1999 at 00:00:13:
In Reply to: Do you mehndi backs, arms, legs? posted by Dione on September 18, 1999 at 21:32:15:
The fresher your henna is, the better chance you have of getting good body color. With the most recent crops of Castle Art henna, I've had no problem getting body color comparable to Mehndi Mud's color.... and it certainly does help to have bold, heavy pattern shapes, plenty of heat, and squeeky-clean porous skin, and an overnight something-or-other to hold the henna in place. If you're using a pattern that you can really pile the henna on...you're putting more hennotannins to work for you! Dry henna is good...then get up some sweat to rehydrate it after you've sealed it with latex, face mask or whatever you love best.