found some henna fragrances!!!
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Posted by Pearla on September 20, 1999 at 01:06:31:
okay, i spent some time scouring the net & found a few places that sell henna perfumes/oils... http://www.aromystique.com/Html/Essential.html#H%20Essential%20Oil (you can get a 5ml for $11) http://madini.com/ (the same thing, but i think a bit more expensive) and http://www.mbspirit.com/oils.htm (they have a henna "attar" for $7 which is a kind of perfume oil, but i'm not sure exactly how it works), http://www.metaphysical.bc.ca/oilsmerc.htm ($17-- not sure of size)... so, hopefully this is what some of us have been looking for :o) if any of you purchase from these guys, please let us know how it went, okay? personally, i'm interested in the attar thingie...