Re: The pregnancy party....Athawansa
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Posted by CAtherine Cartwright Jones on September 20, 1999 at 04:16:17:
In Reply to: Re: The pregnancy party....Athawansa posted by Kree Arvanitas on September 20, 1999 at 02:34:29:
Hugely pregnant ladies often swim, lay in creeks, do ANYTHING to cool off in their last month of pregnancy, which is a miserably overheated month (there's a lot to haul around then).....henna would make far less difference in skin temperature than daily showers, baths, swims, and the usual goings-on of living. Extreme heating is dangerous ... sitting in a hot tub is not recommended during late pregnancy! When I hennaed 12 pregnant ladies in Canada, I think my hennaeing cooled their bellies much less than when they went into the springfed lake for comfort from the summer heat. (Mind, when they waded into the icy water, their bellies sort of levitated, as their babies tried to curl up higher inside them to avoid the chill). I can't see any way the very modest effect of cooling that henna has would effect a pregnancy. (I've also hennaed 2 professional, near term, nurse-midwives...and they agreed that henna and lemon juice was the only way to go...no New Skin, no oils, no anything else......they felt that pristinely simple henna was fundamentally safe, unless there was some dermatitus to complicate things, or if for some reason a mother was just uncomfortable with the hennaeing).