Re: girls and henna
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Posted by Catherine Cartwright Jones on September 22, 1999 at 18:24:24:
In Reply to: girls and henna posted by Michelle McD on September 22, 1999 at 15:05:53:
Young girls are hennaed along with the rest of the family at regular festivals in India, Arabia, etc.....such as weddings, Eids, Holi and all. They are usually not hennaed elaborately until their wedding day. One specific hennaeing of girls occurs in North Africa at their circumcision (excision) or infibulation...if the family decides to make a celebration of it. (They usually don't celebrate more than just having mid-morning tea.) If there is a celebration included with the infibulation, the girl is dressed as a bride and hennaed prior to the surgery. The little boys are dressed as brides for their circumcision (so the djinn [evil spirits] won't know that they're boys, and therefore not infest them...djinn are apparently extremely attracted to genital bleeding) and they are hennaed, bejeweled, veiled and kohled. (The grandmother is allowed to wear the removed foreskin as a ring, that day). Here's the references for that information.....(in case that's a little hard for you to believe...) Barklay, Harold; "Buurri Al Lamaab, A Suburban Village in the Sudan" Cornell University Press, Ithaca, N. Y., N. Y., Boddy, Janice, : Wombs and Alien Spirits, Women, Men, and the Zar Cult in Northern Sudan" The University of Wisconsin Press, Wisconsin, 1989 Cloudsley, Anne,: "Women of Omdurman, Life Love, and the Cult of Virginity" St. Martin's Press, New York, 1983