Re: Blessingway - kind of OT
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Posted by Anon on September 24, 1999 at 01:12:14:
In Reply to: Blessingway - kind of OT posted by Becky Michelsen on September 23, 1999 at 18:40:45:
: - I have a pregnant friend that is curious about a blessingway, and : would like to have belly-henna done, but we are both Christian. Is a : blessingway a pagan thing, like giving thanks or asking blessings from : other gods or dieties? So very many pagan practices have been incorporated into various Christian practices, and so many symbols have different meanings depending on context, that I think you're not in danger of crossing any lines. If you're doing it in the spirit of your beliefs, if you're directing any thanks or requests for blessings to the diety you normally worship, if the patterns you create are neutral or reverant, then I don't see how you can go astray. Symbols and symbolic acts are what you make of them. My opinion, of course. Best wishes!