Re: Charcoal for braziers
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Posted by Catherine Cartwright Jones on September 26, 1999 at 02:31:09:
In Reply to: Charcoal for braziers posted by Eve on September 26, 1999 at 02:19:13:
The ones for burning loose incense? Try Frontier Natural Foods Coop...phone 1-800-669-3275. Join, do the minimum, and you get wholesale. The 5-pack of charcoal is catelog # 6018, and is .70 for a pack of 5. Worried about meeting the minimum order? Wait till you get their catalog! You won't know how you ever lived without it! (All your essential oils, coffee, teas, herbs, spices, incense, ...their bulk henna isn't too shabby, either.) Their website is linked below: