Re: the young and the restless
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Posted by Catherine Cartwright Jones on September 26, 1999 at 20:46:39:
In Reply to: Re: the young and the restless posted by Rox on September 26, 1999 at 18:22:03:
I hope you have better luck that I did...I tried the cucumber-ginsing masque last night (applied very carefully, a thinnish coat) on a tummyfull of finelnine work and the henna (though thoroughly dried) collapsed into a vast puddle of orangey-greeny goo. Thank goodness it was my own tummy! I was trying comparisons with NS, etc...the NS over fineline with a wrap came up immaculate again, even after sleeping with the pugdogs in bed. I was sorry the masque collapsed the henna pattern....it did a very nice job on the bags under my eyes though, and it smells lovely....back to liquid latex for unwrappable hairless parts. I would have tried comparisons with lemon sugar on the same trials, but we've got a temporary fruitfly plague in the house....