good taste and websites
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Posted by Shanon Lavender on September 28, 1999 at 11:18:55:
In Reply to: Using books for patterns posted by MyST on September 25, 1999 at 23:25:23:
I not sure I should dare to comment but I thought your website was nice. Now with any luck I won't find out you've deceived any other henna artists in the making of it and get people all upset just because I dare to comment that the pictures are pretty. I thought it was interesting that the designs you copied from your books were some of the same ones I had copied. Nice work. Did you design the website yourself? If so what software did you use? Shanon I am curious as to what my fellow mehndi artists take on this is. If : you were to purchase books such as Loretta Roome's, Sumita Batra's, : Catherine's and such...and you used these designs when giving Mehndi : to your customers (because we all know how customers can be, they see : a book and they go bonkers for the gorgeous designs and they want to : look JUST like the models in the book) are you infringing upon any : Copyrighting issues????? My take on the whole thing is if my : customers at festivals or in the salon like something in a book and : want me to replicate it, I will. Every design I do is my perception : of what the design is, it's not a carbon copy...I'm good, but I'm not : a computer for God's sake. I just recently had this conversation with : a fellow henna artist (supposedly) who thinks I am less talented : because I have pictures on my website of designs "INSPIRED" by many : of the books I have purchased over the years. This happens ALL the : time, when I'm cruising around looking through different henna art : galleries, and I know my patterns, but I don't think less of the : artists because the patterns were from a book.. : I am really interested to know what you guys think. I respect your : opions, and I'd love for you to check out my site and see if it's done : in good taste. I think it is.......... :) : Thanks, : MyST : http://mehndimy