Re: Henna Baby Shower
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Posted by Becky M. on September 29, 1999 at 15:47:45:
In Reply to: Henna Baby Shower posted by Sonia on September 28, 1999 at 15:28:37:
I'll be doing a henna shower for a friend this winter. This is what I thought I'd do. I'll keep the guest list small - like 5-8 people I'll invite only mothers No children will be there, except babes-in-arms I'll have each mom bring a dish to pass I will make sure one guest can stay with the honored mother until she can get around OK after being henna'ed. Instead of games, I thought we could all tell our birth stories, and pass on a bit of advice for mothering 2 children. I'll do the henna, but will have enough that others can do their own if they want. Henna will be done at the same time as everything else - eating and storytelling. Gifts can be done last, while everyone is waiting for henna and sealers to dry. Anyway, I hope this helps give you some ideas! (BTW, ask the mom if she will be breastfeeding, and what kind of diapers she will be using (disposable or cloth), and specify this in the invitations, so guests can bring appropriate gifts. It's no fun to get stuff you'll never use! Suggest breastfeeding clothes as an alternative to baby clothes & toys, since everyone gets stuff for the baby, but never for mom!)