Re: Clove oil...
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Posted by Catherine Cartwright JOnes on September 30, 1999 at 12:51:46:
In Reply to: Clove oil... posted by Lauri on September 30, 1999 at 04:38:13:
Frontier has it, and has links to several online stores. Use clove oil with caution .... it can etch metal, and gives me little blisters if I use it straight in my henna mix. If you're doing henna as a business, a wholesale arrangement with Frontier might be to your advantage...they have Aurocacia Eucalyptus oil, clove oil, Rose Water......all sorts of good stuff for your henna, and for your kitchen generally. For instance...a 2 ounce bottle of Euc oil from Frontier, wholesale is $8.81 , retail would be $14.69 . 2 oz of clove bud oil is 13.97 wholesale, and retail is $23.29. I don't know what the hennamongers are selling oils for.... But you can also pick up beaucoup supplies of St. John's wort, Tea Tree oil, ..it's a 300 page catelog of goodies..... Frontier is prompt, polite, and I've always been satisfied with their service.