Re: henna + henna tatooing
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Posted by Kimberley on June 05, 1997 at 20:54:27:
In Reply to: henna + henna tatooing posted by Artemis (from Artemis Imports) on May 18, 1997 at 17:28:59:
: Hello out there, I've just been turned on to this page : but a lovely customer. I travel to Morocco twice yearly, : and used to live there, (17 year history in that lovely : country), and people say I'm a "henna expert." Just had : my feet and hands done in the lovely, intricate "Marrackshi" : style--the most intricate and sought after model, also, : the most costly. The poorer ladies basically "step into : a henna puddle," and do the same with their hands. My niece : (Moroccan) just got married there, and of course there : was the traditional henna party (for women) the day before : the wedding. She is magnificiently dressed, and placed : upon a throne of sumptuous cushons, with hands & feet : extended to the henna artist. It's our job to entertain : her while this is being done, (she can't move), so it is : party, party, party--music, female drumming, and sugar, : lots of it (mint tea, sweets). A very traditional part : of the wedding ceremony. Of course, not only brides have : it done. Artemis sells henna with directions for tatooing : $4.25 includes shipping (USA price), outside of U.S., : shipping more. More extensive information sheets, with : actual close ups of bride's hands, info., historical : info, etc. available in booklet for $7.00 U.S. (shipping : $1.45 for U.S. customers, California res. add 7.25%tax, : outside U.S. shipping (air) more. This booklet available : around end of August l997. You can reach me at: : http://www.artemisimports.com or fax 408-3734113 or : tel. 408-3736762 or Artemis Imports, P.O. Box 68 : Pacific Grove, Ca. 93950 U.S.A. Also have a 68 + page : catalog of merchandize for belly dancers, and a seperate : catalog of books about the Middle Eastern culture. $2.00 : There is a seperate shipping charge on catalogs outside : U.S. Ma Saalema for now! Thanks for any info. you can give...