"glassy" ...damn near impossible
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Posted by Catherine Cartwright Jones on September 30, 1999 at 23:34:18:
In Reply to: difficult skin? posted by Catherine Nielsen on September 30, 1999 at 21:12:44:
There is a sort of skin....calloused, porous, dead, if you run a pin across it, the person will not even notice ... the sort that many of us have on our heals; and that you see on people who lay bricks for a living....that is what henna LOVES! There is an opposite sort of skin, that I call "glassy"...it is shiny, sleek, like the skin on our noses and eyelids....and if you run a pin across it, it will bleed easily. Henna just barely goes there. That skin has a very thin top layer. Some people have that all over their bods. Clavicles very often have smooth "glassy" skin. It's a GREAT place to tattoo, because the needle doesn't have to go far in. It's a rotten place to henna, because the hennotannins have virtually nothing nice and dead to bond to. The other very "glassy" spot that I have found is a 7-month-pregnant woman's belly...the skin is very stretched and all new, tight, glassy skin. Oily skin is also very resistant to henna. If there's pimples here ... henna is likely to not happen. Sunburned skin is also impossible .... it's going to exfoliate something fierce in short order.