Thanks...but not Rom
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Posted by Catherine Cartwright Jones on September 30, 1999 at 23:50:24:
In Reply to: Excellent Description posted by Kathy on September 30, 1999 at 22:13:55:
The closest thing I've seen to these ladies in popular media is the "evil lady queen" in the Zena episode that involves henna. There were some bits and shreds of genuine Transoxiaian clothing there... can you imagine a hybrid of Genghis Khan and Persian elegance? It's about there.....Transoxiana went back and forth between Persian and Central Asia for centuries. Watch "Lonely Planet" for the Samarkand - Pamir episode, think of Bokhara carpets...try search for Samarkand. There's a magnificent civilization there that westerners know virtually nothing about. They do henna, but not a lot of it. They might resemble gypsies somewhat, because they are from the same chunk of the planet...but not all that close....but that's a whole other subject. Rom, of some sort are probably there though... Rom are everywhere. One of the marriage traditions that I read about one group of them, is that the groom (and his buddies) persue the bride (and her buddies) on horseback in a grand mini-battle, and when the groom manages to grab the veil off the bride, he takes her as his wife. Now, THAT, I'd love to see! Those folks are fearsome horsemen ..... have you ever seen a game of boz-kashi? The descendants of the Transoxianians play it. There is a genteel polite game called polo that descended from it that does not involve blood, broken bones and a dead calf...... Englishmen play polo.