Re: Oil, yes or no?
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Posted by Lauri on October 02, 1999 at 15:37:52:
In Reply to: Oil, yes or no? posted by Autumn on September 30, 1999 at 21:10:21:
Autumn, I've been putting a thin coating of eucalyptus oil on my skin before hennaing and I get a much darker stain as a result. The eucalyptus oil helps to open the pores of the skin, allowing more of the dye in the henna to penetrate. I would use EXTREME CAUTION if you are working on other beings!!! My skin is not sensitive and I have no problems using straight essential oils on myself. If you are working on others, dilute essential oils, or do patch tests...ask if they have ever used essential oils directly on their skin before, etc. I haven't had any troubles getting the paste to adhere to my skin when I use the eucalyptus oil. Remember, I use a very thin coating that I apply with a cotton ball, then I wait a few minutes before applying the paste so the oil can get into my pores and do it's thing (this way, the oil isn't just sitting on the surface of the skin).What kind of oil did this person use on your skin? Hope this helps to answer your question. ~Lauri