Persian henna.....
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Posted by Catherine Cartwright Jones on October 04, 1999 at 01:59:26:
In Reply to: To CCJ...Iranian henna posted by Mike on October 03, 1999 at 23:11:25:
I got two boxes, perhaps 100 g each. I added nothing to the henna other than lemon juice (that's how I control testing to see the original color....keep it simple). I did the usual NS and overnight wrap. The resulting ruby red color was magnificent, and was red on the top of my foot up above the ankle as well as on the sole of my foot, where it went to red raspberry, garnet and tinged with black raspberry. It was very different from the Indian bittersweet-burbundy-brownish-black natural henna. I suspect it is a slightly different subspecies, or perhaps very different soil. I should have the pix back tomorrow. I have copies of the shipping slip, which I can send you, but unfortunately I cannot read. The slip seems to have their product line, their order sheet, and their address. Their email may be down, which isn't awfully unusual for countries where help-desk support and replacement parts are unreliable. So far as I know, the trade relations with Iran are loosening up just fine, but my knowledge of Arabic and Persian is next to none. Someone at the company is fluent in English....as the emails were courteous, businesslike and better than most I get from overseas. If you want a copy of that slip, email me. I WANT PEOPLE TO HAVE ACCESS TO THIS HENNA! IT ROCKS. It is an excellent compliment to henna from India. (Needs sifted, though)