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Posted by Catherine Cartwright Jones on October 04, 1999 at 02:07:38:
In Reply to: Does anyone know where to find a pic of the henna plant? posted by Eve on October 03, 1999 at 21:11:44:
Go to your local university and look in the botany section, then look at books of the species every country that's apt to grow henna naturally. You'll find many beautiful botanic illustrations of henna! Do remember, that the little turkey is called "Lawsonia Inermis" when you're going through the index. I have several, if you need me to postal mail you a copy. Otherwise, look for books like these: Ghazanfar, Shahina A. "Vegetation of the Arabian Peninsula" Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht , Netherlands, 1998 Hepper, F. Nigel and Friis, I., "The Plants of Pehr Forsskal's 'Flora Aegyptiaco-Arabia' Collected of the Royal Danish Expedition to Egypt and the Yemen 1761 - 63 " Maheshwari, J. K., "The Flora of Delhi" Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, New Delhi Gossain and Co., Calcutta, India, 1963 Mandaville, James. P., "Flora of Eastern Saudi Arabia" Kegan Paul International Limited, London, 1990 Roxburgh, William, Md., "Flora Indica, or Descriptions of Indian Plants" Today and Tomorow's Printers and Publishers, New Delhi, 1832 Thulin, Mats, " Flora of Somalia" Royal Botanicn Gardens, Kew, 1993 AEFTAT Congress, XIVth Proceedings, "The Biodiversity of African Plants" Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, Boston, London, 1996 Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew in association with the Botanical Museum, Copenhagen, 1994