Re: Boiling dry limes= red water
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Posted by Zimra on October 04, 1999 at 02:19:26:
In Reply to: Boiling dry limes= red water posted by Scorpion on October 03, 1999 at 22:41:56:
: I tried boiling dry limes and after awhile found at the bottom of my : pot some reconstetuted limes and a half inch of pale greem lime- : smelling slime. What did I do wrong? That's weird. The only time I've had that result is with not-quite- dried limes, or sometimes with whole dried limes. I usually slice mine, and dry them on cookie sheets in the oven. When I boil them, I add enough water that it won't all boil away when I wander off (which I invariably do). I get really red water almost 100% of the time. Zimra