Re: Help Please answer me Soon!
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Posted by Catherine Cartwright Jones on October 04, 1999 at 14:54:42:
In Reply to: Re: Help Please answer me Soon! posted by Carrie on October 04, 1999 at 05:31:26:
Full body henna on guys the night before marriage isn't that unusual in the henna using world, as it tends to immediately follow full body wedding depilitation. (many groups consider this crucial purification for marriage...if you miss a single hair on the lady, the marriage is off) Henna is reputed to be a great relief for that vile shaving rash, or the depilatory chemicals used on ladies. Also, it improves the texture and fragrance of bits. The henna books published by Gala seem to be translated into Thai, if I recognize the alphabet. I did also find a little evidence of henna in Burma.