Re: Question about siblings and henna use
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Posted by Michelle McDaniel on October 04, 1999 at 17:55:52:
In Reply to: Question about siblings and henna use posted by John K. on October 04, 1999 at 17:43:12:
I started doing henna about ten or so years ago, when friends of mine started using it. At first it was on my hair only; it was only about three years ago that I started decorating my hands and feet. I think that you'll also find that friends will use similar beauty treatments. My college roommate and I colored our hair at the same time. Everytime I've used henna it's been in a group. Part of it is the "If you do it I'll do it syndrome"; part the enjoyment of doing something social. BTW, my younger sister also does henna. I'm not certain if I was the first one to do it or not. **michelle** : I have read several papers which suggest that cosmetic use is more : common among girls/women whose siblings also use the same type of : cosmetic.