Re: palms or backs of hands
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Posted by Catherine Cartwright Jones on October 04, 1999 at 20:00:05:
In Reply to: palms or backs of hands posted by michelle mcdaniel on October 04, 1999 at 17:59:14:
There were some times when backs of hands were featured prominently in henna.....10th to 15th century Spain, Iraq and Persia, specifically the professional lady musicians, often featuring calligraphy. Generally speaking, the darker skinned people do better with palm and sole henna, paler people are more apt to decorate both those and backs. There were some paintings in in 13th c. Kashan and 16th c. Turkey that feature some yummy patterns that wrap from front to back of hand...those are my current infatuation. Full body or pubic henna seems to have been fancied by courtesans and prostitutes from time to's a little easier to get info on them than legal wives, though it seems a well-to-do wife did the same, if she had the money and leisure time to do so, and was trying to attract her husband's attention.