Re: palms or backs of hands
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Posted by Kenzi on October 05, 1999 at 02:16:51:
In Reply to: palms or backs of hands posted by michelle mcdaniel on October 04, 1999 at 17:59:14:
: Hey all! : I've been wondering if certain cultures decorate certain parts of the : body. For example, henna in India often seems to be on the palms of : one's hand. Do other cultures just do the backs of the hands or the : feet or other areas? : Thanks! : **michelle** From my experience of henna in Morocco, both sides of the hands are done and also down the wrists as well. I had to really fight to have just part of my hands done the last time I was there (I was leaving the next day and needed a few fingers free to pack my stuff up!). As for the feet in Morocco, mostly what I observed was designs on the feet, usually solid on the sole and then little designs coming up on the side, but rarely the top of the foot.