Re: Question about siblings and henna use
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Posted by Amy C on October 05, 1999 at 04:32:40:
In Reply to: Question about siblings and henna use posted by John K. on October 04, 1999 at 17:43:12:
: I have read several papers which suggest that cosmetic use is more : common among girls/women whose siblings also use the same type of : cosmetic. For example, a woman who paints her nails regularly is more : likely to have a sister/mother who does the same than a woman who : doesn't. Yes, naturally, but isn't that because they live in the same house, grow up in the same community, are influenced by each other, etc, etc? If you are trying to get at some genetic connection, only siblings separated young & unaware of each other's practices would be significant. It does not seem at all odd to me that sisters would share cosmetic preferences (no more odd than friends who do).