Re: Pigs
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Posted by anita on October 05, 1999 at 04:58:10:
In Reply to: Pigs posted by Amy C on October 05, 1999 at 04:24:56:
I am embarrassed to admit this, but I actually hennaed one of my daughter's pet hairless rats. For those who aren't familiar, hairless rats are just that. Bald and smooth. Only one of them (Peach Fuzz) would sit there still enough to let me henna her back. She actually seemed to enjoy it. She even sat still long enough to get dried and crusted over (with face mask) Over that, I stuck on a piece of tape. She seemed very happy about the whole thing, but she knew something wasn't quite right and kept looking over her shoulder, at her back. I didn't know what to do with her after that, though, because her companion, Skimpy did not like this foreign substance on Peach Fuzz's body and tried to remove it. So I had to just let her sit on my shoulder until the henna was ready to come off. It was a very light color, Peachy's skin is very pink and thin, she's an albino. But it was pretty, if I do say so myself, quite a novelty! The design did not last long, however, it was GONE by the second day. I don't know what happened to it! My guess is that Skimpy couldn't stand it and licked it off her.