Re: Question about siblings and henna use
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Posted by Anon on October 05, 1999 at 06:06:00:
In Reply to: Question about siblings and henna use posted by John K. on October 04, 1999 at 17:43:12:
No sisters. Tried it on myself while visiting family, left the offer generally open, and ended up doing 2 real (adult & teen) and 2 token (one on a child, one as a form of humor - at the canvas's request). Two of each sex. Nobody else wanted to try being the "artist" though -- I seem to be the only one in the extended family with enough hutspa to let people actually see creative work of mine. It doesn't seem a good test, though, because my relations wouldn't have heard of it if I hadn't brought it up, and probably needed to see it on me before deciding they wanted to try it. I suspect exposure is a large part of the makeup-nailpolish (does it extend to piercing & other things?) phenomenon, along with shared tastes (arising from similar sources - for family - or as a compromise made while sharing a habitat - for roomates & close friends). Is the skin type sufficiently hereditary that good henna-taking skin would run in a family?