super sifter
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Posted by Flavia on October 05, 1999 at 17:59:09:
I am able to sift 10 tablespoons of henna in 5 minutes. Supplies: regular plastic bag rubber band square of nylon organdy-$5.00 per yard@fabric store Instructions: open plastic bag, lay organdy over opening, pour henna onto organdy, gather organdy up to form bag and rubber band closed so no henna can come out of the organdy unless its sifted, hold the organdy inside the plastic bay, with the rubber banded area inside the plastic bag gather the plastic around the rubber banded organdy and shake bags to sift. you may need to give organdy fabric little shakes independently of the plastic. Open plastic bag and remove sifted henna. I can sift and rebag in 5 minutes, no mess, and so fast. go