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Posted by Miss Monica on October 05, 1999 at 18:06:11:
In Reply to: Re: Question about siblings and henna use posted by Crystal on October 04, 1999 at 17:54:52:
: Please stop asking these weird questions. People want to know about : wearing henna better, not abstract psychology! Hallooo Crystal! I disagree with you that no one wants to know about the psychology of henna wear & use-just look at all the responses this question generated! Although I do think the original querent John K seemed a little oh, I dunno, titallated, turned on, whatever- by the idea of twin sisters being hennaed! ("Dear Penthouse Letters, I never thought this kind of thing could happen to me,etc...twin sisters,blah blah,...sexy henna tattoos,"...!!) Just teasing John! FYI, my sister loves henna as much as I do and does paint on herself, but I do the public work. We like alot of the same things even though we are 13 years apart in age. My Mom has only acceped my henna use and work with good grace since I started making money at it-but that is a whole other issue! And Crystal, YOU only have to read the posts that interest YOU. There is room on the board for all sorts of exchange of ideas.That is part of what makes internet chat so wonderful! Please don't think I am trying to be rude, as I'm sure you weren't either, but no one likes to read that their post was a waste of space on the board. It doesn't cost us anything to be nice to one another! Group Hug! Now, don't you feel better? Take Care, Happy Hennaing Miss Monica