Catherine's free finger
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Posted by Kenzi on October 05, 1999 at 23:56:43:
Just ran across this one from Catherine The Prolific, while browsing the archive of this forum: "My favorite intro to henna for the disheartened or the reluctant is the "$1. finger"....I do a finger pattern of their choice from the Gala Mehandi books series (about 1 minute's work) have them let it dry, and either wrap it or spray on two coats of "New Skin". At the coffee house I just do a "free finger" for people to get business rolling....and woa, does it get things rolling! " Great advice, as usual. Might help me jump start my sessions when things are seriously lagging. As I was doing this browsing I noticed what a volume of information Catherine has given us, and how tirelessly she repeats herself (at our insistent request). Thanks for it all!
- Thank you... Catherine Cartwright Jones 02:15:18 10/06/99