Re: sigh...a solitary
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Posted by Kenzi on October 06, 1999 at 00:00:28:
In Reply to: Re: sigh...a solitary posted by Maria on October 05, 1999 at 23:51:24:
: Wow--none of them will let you? Gosh, wish you lived near me--you : could henna me as much as you wanted! I don't get this male : resistance at all. Maybe I should use this as a screening tool if I : ever start dating again. "Would you let me henna you if we started : going out? No? Sorry, I'd rather not go out with you then--thanks : anyway." Good plan...tells you a lot about a person. My husband is adamant: NO HENNA. I tricked him once saying I need to practice and he could wipe it off as soon as i was done...I did it on his palm and the stain took really quickly, too quickly for him to wipe it off without a trace (hee hee hee). That's a trick that only works once. He sees it as a girl thing...he's from Morocco where the men almost never get hennaed (unlike India).