Re: What Do You Use to Apply Henna?
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Posted by Catherine Cartwright Jones on October 06, 1999 at 03:02:15:
In Reply to: What Do You Use to Apply Henna? posted by MyST on October 06, 1999 at 02:43:24:
I tried a side-by-side with the "carrot bags" that I use ( a type of jellybean bag that is an isoceles (sp?) triangle , of a softer plastic than a frosting bag) and one of those little squeeze bottles, and I watched other people do the same. For some people the bottles are better, for some the bags are better. The people who do very well with the little bottles you describe, appreciate the effortlessly even line quality. This is especially helpful if they're not especially used to drawing or painting with brushes. The bottles are great for small henna projects. I have a couple of complaints about the bottles, which tend to reflect my use of henna....which usually includes hennaeing for 4 or more hours at a stretch .... they tire my hand, they need refilled frequently (and I'm a very clumbsy lady and always mess that up) and they only make one size of line. I, personally, do much better with "carrot bags" because I can henna for 8 hours with no hand fatigue, they only need refilled every 2 hours, and I can get extremely fine lines (much finer than the bottle), with as much line variation as I need .... and if there's ever a clog, I just pinch the tip and the clog pops out. However, I've seen many people have difficulty with them, because they require considerable delicacy of touch and take a little getting used to. If you ever want to try a "carrot bag" (which are never used to package carrots) me and I'll send a couple free to your postal address.