Re: Bridal Expo-any ideas?
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Posted by Catherine Cartwright Jones on October 07, 1999 at 04:25:57:
In Reply to: Bridal Expo-any ideas? posted by Miss Monica on October 06, 1999 at 17:47:34:
This must be a very difficult decision! I do not envy you this one. I've been there. Money aside (which only you know if you can risk...any business venture is precisely like betting in a poker game....) here's what I would be extremely concerned about. I've done Beverly Hills - Bel Air - Malibu business stuff, and the stakes are VERY high and you can go down in flames as fast as you can go to the moon. Here's the tough questions. CAN YOU DELIVER the absolute best world class henna under intense pressure, with killer deadlines and everything exploding from hell all around you? Can you handle huge events and extremely crazy people? What will you do when a bride screws up the henna you have so carefully done and wrapped, (you KNOW henna can screw up!) and sues your ass off for making her look bad at her wedding (she can afford to hire an excellent lawyer). Do you have a killer business instinct? Can you be hard as nails when it comes to collections? (The flakiest people I ever delt with for paying their bills are the wealthy semi-royalty of the LA basin !) Do you have good business and bookkeeping skills? If you are NOT the perfect combination of Leonardo da Vinci with a henna cone and a Machiavelli pit bull with an MBA and CPA, go have a LONG thnk about this! If you can blow anyone out of the water for skill, speed and reliability, have a prescription for Prozac already written out, and you're ready to deal with the intensely wealthy and neurotic....and your tarot cards come up cups, and you I Ching reads go for it....go there and DO IT! If you falter in any of will be in for one of life's great reality checks arriving in the mail! I don't know what your level of business experience is, but if I can help you, after 30 years of being a professional artist-craftsman, supporting a family with me and ask stuff. I've been around the block a time or two.